Friday, March 21, 2014

Getting to Know Leah Rhyne @Leah_Beth #Horror #SciFi #AmReading

Why do you write?
Why? Because if I didn’t the voices in my head would beat me up.
OK, that’s a bit of a cop-out. But honestly, now that I write, I don’t see a way to stop. Stories and characters keep coming, and I find myself needing to tell their tales.
Have you always enjoyed writing?
Yes, to an extent. I was never one of those compulsive writers you hear about, with novels and journals and all kinds of stuff written before high school. I was more of a late-to-the-party fiction writer.
That said, I was an English major, and writing papers and such always came easily to me.
What motivates you to write?
Right now? The fans of my stories…I want to give them MORE!
What are you most proud of in your personal life?
Having a daughter who’s confident and smart and spunky and awesome. Also, running three half-marathons, though I’m not yet proud of my time. I want to break 2 hours.
What books did you love growing up?
I loved ALL THE BOOKS!!!! A Wrinkle in Time, Little Women, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Anne Frank’s diary, anything by Christopher Pike, everything by Stephen King (the classics), Pride and Prejudice…I could go on for hours!!
Who is your favorite author?
Harper Lee, Jane Austen and Stephen King – they’re all inspiring for all kinds of reasons.
What book genre of books do you adore?
I write mostly speculative fiction, but I read a TON of non-fiction these days. Lots of history books. Our past is so interesting; it seems a shame not to read about it.
What book should everybody read at least once?
Anne Frank’s diary. It’s such a brilliant picture of a life lived in extreme circumstances, and it’s so well-written. She was an amazing, beautiful girl whose life was cut far too short.
Is there any books you really don’t enjoy?
Romances and erotica. Nothing against them, it’s just that I blush easily. J
What do you hope your obituary will day about you?
I hope it says that I was a nice person. That I was the kind of person you could count on to help you out if you were in a bind. That I was a good mom and wife. And that I wrote a bunch of really cool books.

Millions died when the zombie plague swept the country. For the survivors, the journey has just begun. Jenna, Sam, and Lola are still alive. Jenna avoids human contact, traveling East Coast backroads with her boyfriend, a dog named Chicken, and a Louisville Slugger. Sam escapes to the mountains, where he's conscripted into a zombie-slaying militia sent on nightly raids to kill the undead...and innocent civilians. Lola's imprisoned in the "safety" of a zombie-free New Orleans hotel, but life grows more dangerous when her brother gets bitten by a zombie. 
Jenna arrives in the French Quarter, lured by the false promises of New Orleans' drunken leader. There, she's ripped away from her boyfriend, drugged, and dumped in a death camp after refusing Franklin's sexual advances. Jenna and Lola's lives collide there, where the dead live and the dying are victims of gruesome medical experiments. Escape isn't easy: release the genetically-enhanced zombies from the lab to create a diversion, slip away, and don't get eaten. When Sam arrives, will he join the right side of the battle?
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – NA-Horror, Sci-fi
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
Connect with Leah Rhyne on Facebook & Twitter


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me!! So nice to *meet* you!!! :D
