Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? I researched into survivor stories, read a lot about abusive relationships, but Faith’s story is fiction.
How important do you think villains are in a story? The term villain makes me think comic bookish heroes and villains but every book needs some kind of villain; the antagonist to the protagonist.
What are your goals as a writer? I used to dream of world domination. International best sellers, movie rights, the lot! But I found that I was only focused on one book and getting it into those bright lights. New Year (2011/12) I had a fundamental shift in my thought processes and I became focused on writing for my readers. On top of working 20+ hours a week and studying a full time degree I wrote three novels, published one and outlined so many I’ll be writing for the next ten years. So my goals are: to write, to publish, to make enough sales to publish my next book, and to talk with my readers. I love to talk with my readers!
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? I love to travel! The invention of the internet makes travelling less necessary. But… oh my, I have books set in New York, LA, Florida, Cincinnati, Paris, London, here in my home of Yorkshire, there’s one due to be set in Australia, one where the lead character travels around the world. Yes please!
What books have most influenced your life? Baby Come Back by Erica Spindler was the first romance novel I ever read. So I guess that’s had a big impact on my life. After I read Danielle Steele‘s The Gift I decided I wanted to be a published author. I seemed to miss the chic-lit uprising in the late 90’s and discovered it through Marian Keyes’s Angels. It was at a time when I’d lost the ability to write because the style I used before no longer seemed realistic to me. I guess my welcome to the real world (adult life) kind of knocked my romantic world out of kink. Angels completely changed my writing style. And finally, Family Magic by YA paranormal author Patti Larsen. Prior to reading Family Magic I detested first person but I devoured it in one sitting and impatiently wait for each of the series. This book taught me to see past my literary discriminations I will now read almost anything in any voice as long as it grabs my attention.
Have you ever considered anyone as a mentor? I consider my dear friend Patti Larsen a mentor. We meet when she agreed to guest post on my blog and then the friendship continued when I reviewed one of her books. She’s helped me find the courage to take the plunge into publishing. She’s shown me the way forward, answers any questions I have, and I know I wouldn’t have published without her.
Who is your favorite author and why? My all-time-favouritist-who-will-never-back-knocked-off-the-number-one-spot-author is … Danielle Steele. I wouldn’t be a writer today if I hadn’t read The Gift by Danielle Steele. I don’t think I’ve ever read a bad novel by Danielle Steele.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Yes, this year you can expect the release of Behind Closed Doors (Valentina SecretsBook 2) and Whispers Behind the Curtain (Valentina Secrets Book 3) there may even be another release towards the end of the year depending on the demands of my university course.
Have you started another book yet? Behind Closed Doors, the second book in the Valentina Secrets Series, is currently with in the first stages of editing and I’ve already begun the third, Whispers Behind the Curtain.
Where do you see yourself in five years? If I have my way I’ll be writing novels and publishing through the publishing imprint of the company I intend to set up when I finish university. I plan on freelancing in web design and programming, specialising in websites for authors.
What are your current writing projects now? Valentina Secrets is my main focus. Behind Closed Doors, the second book in the Valentina Secrets Series, is in the first stages of editing and I’ve already begun the third, Whispers Behind the Curtain. I hope to bring something from one of the other women’s fiction or contemporary romance projects I have in progress soon but my New Year’s resolution in 2012 was to focus on one project at a time, especially when my time is so limited.
Genre – Women’s Fiction / Contemporary Romance
Rating – PG13
More details about the author & the book
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