If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future? This is quite a hard question – I would love to see the future, the changes that have happened, and how ‘gracefully’ we have ruined our beautiful world. I would love to see how technology has changed our lives and if we have taken our own advice on environmental issues and stopped the war on terror. I would love to see whether people in South Africa have finally come to a point where they can truly tolerate each other, and that Nelson Mandela’s ideals have finally made its way into our hearts, lives and future.
I would love to see whether Rhino’s are still alive or extinct, and whether we were able to stop the illegal trade of their beautiful tusks. All of these things are definitely issues that I would love to have a glimpse in on, but what I would love the most, is to go back in time. I am fascinated with so many eras gone by. Our history is what makes us; it is what forms us, and it is what will dictate our future and, therefore, it is the best place to start – at the beginning of everything. How fantastic would it be to go back in time; to see the earth form; to see people live in caves; to see the Ice Age; to see people living in Venice, dressed in masks and beautiful attire and living lives of promiscuity? How fantastic would it be to really be present, absorb all of those era’s, create memories and bring them back into today’s reality and be able to make them true, once again, and writing a book about my ‘travels’ back in time. No truer account of history can be told than that of someone who has lived it. I am fascinated with history. It truly is what has formed us today.
What is one book everyone should read? I love philosophy, and it is quite inspiring to read the philosophies of some of the great minds of the past. One book that I believe everyone should read is the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. It is a heart-wrenching, eye-opening and a humbling novel. It looks deeper into the psyche of the human-being and shows us in our true raw form.
If you were a superhero what would your name be? Atheria
If you could have any superpower what would you choose? I would be able to change forms – which means, I could be anything or anyone I want aka a shapeshifter.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Rum and Raisin is quite nice, but I don’t eat ice cream all that much – I am more of a chocolate kind of girl.
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose? I wouldn’t want to ‘meet’ anyone per se, but I would love to see my father again.
What is your dream cast for your book?
Sienna Fynn to be played by – Kat Graham (Vampire Diaries) or Lily Collins (The Blind Side).
Kai Emery to be played by - I still haven’t found him… suggestions would be welcome!
Daniel Adams to be played by – Johnny Pacar (Make It or Break It) or Xavier Samuels (Eclipse)
Quinn to be played by – Vigo Mortensen (The Lord of the Rings)
Bethany Emery – Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth)
What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen? The Vampire Diaries by L.J Smith
Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters? Kai Emery and his struggle – What You Want by Evanescence
If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose? I have been asked this question before, and truly, it is a hard question, because there are many people I would love to have to dinner. Unfortunately, some of the people in my dreams of the perfect dinner don’t really always include people who actually lived. Many of my characters are fantasy and people I wish into being. Wouldn’t it be wonderful! But, to be realistic, here is my list, and don’t laugh!
Thor, Zeus or any mythological god or goddess – yes, this sounds weird, but how cool would it be to meet an actual mythological god? They were, indeed our first gods before we modernised
Jesus – I would love to be in on his adventures and love to ask the many ‘why’s’ I have in my head.
Socrates – a master philosopher, and I could listen to his stories and thinking all day long.
Plato – Imagine having Socrates and Plato sitting around the same table, deliberating abut their different philosophies. I would be fascinated.
Charles Darwin – a master of psychology, with ideals and a thought process that absolutely astounds me.
This would definitely create a very interesting dinner conversation!

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Genre – YA Paranormal Fantasy
Rating – PG13
More details about the author & the book
Website http://www.leandicameron.com/
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