Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Orangeberry Book Tours – She by Shireen Jeejeebhoy

Shortlisted for The Word Guild Awards, Novel-Futuristic category, this is the classic tale of betrayal and friendship — with an evil entity thrown in to confuse and enlighten the heroine.

An entity from nothing space and time, Akaesman lurks in his dominion, waiting, watching through his peephole into our world for the right prey. And when he spots a good one, he forces himself into our space and time, evading the Akaesman patrol, invading his chosen one. He spreads his evil to everyone, one by one, male and female, changing them forever into his image.

But the young songwriter and her fiancé, enjoying the end of their road trip, have never heard of Akaesman. On the eve of the summer solstice, they fly home to Toronto down a local highway past slumbering fields, toward a thick starlight-sucking forest, oblivious of their destination: Akaesman. He comes out of a green neon wind. He smacks their car; he cracks the window; he’s in her. Her songwriting career is dead. Her name is gone.

When she learns of his presence, she resists him; she wrestles with him; she seeks help in her battle. Yet she loses ground. She’s ready to quit. And that’s when she discovers that there is more than one kind of evil…

5 of 5 stars: “Put simply this is the best urban fantasy story that I have ever read period …. you feel exactly how the main character feels. “She” is written with a pace that makes you feel every single word combined with hauntingly beautiful descriptions to forge a story that is anything but forgettable. That is the mark of a truly talented writer, someone who tells a story that you feel as opposed to reading words on a cold piece of paper. ” Shane Porteous on She, from his Goodreads review.

“Shireen’s pen has all the force of a great storyteller and the artistic skills of reviving a past scene in its most original form.” Ernest Dempsey on Shireen Jeejeebhoy’s award-winning biography Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story

“If you want a book you can’t put down, get Lifeliner into your hands…” Gloria Oren on Shireen Jeejeebhoy’s award-winning biography Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story

Buy Now @ Amazon & Smashwords

Genre – Christian Fantasy

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Connect with  Shireen Jeejeebhoy on Facebook & Twitter



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