What was the hardest part about writing this book? The revision process was excruciating for me, endless.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it? That I can.
How do you promote this book? Social media plays a vital marketing role for me. I tweet, blog, and post regularly. I even have a Pinterest account, where I find and post things that tie in to my book or my writing life. I try to create my own buzz by seeking out events and opportunities for appearances, taking lots of pictures and videos, and sharing them ad nauseum across all the different social media I use.
Will you write others in this same genre? This was a highly personal story for me, even though it is a work of fiction at its core, so I’m relatively certain this will be a one-off. Other stories are already elbowing it aside, even as I write this.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Yes, there is. I attempted to explain it when I wrote about my use of dandelions throughout the book in my blog (http://juliascribbling.com/2013/01/03/cover-story/): “Re [dandelion cover] concept–yes, dandelions are often thought of as weeds, but being gay has also historically been seen as something pernicious, to be weeded out…Yet for all that weed talk, dandelions are colorful, hardy, fragrant, even make great tea. But even if people are often quick to agree in principle with those assertions, they may still say “Sure, but not in my yard!” I think it’s a pretty good parallel for showing that whether you think something is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or detested depends very much on where you’re standing. I just want people to start thinking…to plant a seed.”
How much of the book is realistic? I think a great deal of it is, because most of the events in the book are things that we will all likely face in our lives: love, loss, betrayal, and hopefully, forgiveness, not only of others but also of oneself.
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Genre – Women’s Fiction
Rating – PG13
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